
Ukrainian deputy prosecutor general fired after scandal over Spain getaway / The New Voice of Ukraine

Oleksiy Symonenko (

Oleksiy Symonenko (

Deputy Prosecutor General Oleksiy Symonenko has been dismissed from his post following a scandal over his taking a vacation in Spain in wartime, the Office of the Prosecutor General reported on Jan. 24.

The day before, media reported that Symonenko had submitted a letter of resignation, having gone on a 10-day vacation to Spain during the war – despite a direct ban from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Social media users reacted positively to the news, but some thought the dismissals were rather belated.

In addition, some netizens were dissatisfied that Symonenko and Kyrylo Tymoshenko, who also stepped down from his position in the President’s Office, only got off with being fired, believing that they deserved a much harsher punishment for their misdeeds.

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