
He camel, he saw, he conquered, as indignant mammal kills brash Russian / The New Voice of Ukraine

Users sided with the camel (Photo:Скріншот відео Jano14Toga/Twitter)

Users sided with the camel (Photo:Скріншот відео Jano14Toga/Twitter)

Who did he
think he was? Conan the Barbarian?

A Russian who decided to punch a camel didn’t land the same knockout blow that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous barbarian character managed in the classic 1982 sword and sorcery movie.

In fact, the end result was more like an ‘80s horror movie.

Netizens are in equal measure disturbed and in awe at a video of the camel, which took savage revenge on an aggressive Russian who decided to punch him — apparently to demonstrate his “dominance.”

But in the end it was the camel that proved itself to be the higher animal.


In the video clip circulating on social media, which was filmed in Russia’s Omsk Oblast, and which first appeared on Feb. 4, a man approaches the animal and hits it on the nose.

The camel at first seems shocked, and then it launches into an unexpectedly brutal retaliatory attack.

The animal is seen grabbing its abuser by the arm and hurling him from side to side like a rag doll. It then tramples the man, before picking his now limp body up again, hurling it around some more, and then trampling him some more.

The attack ends after a van drives into view, and the camel leaves the lifeless-looking body of the man.

The human attacker died as a result of his injuries, but despite this, social media users appear to have largely sided with the camel.

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