
Russian troops in the south on the defensive, artillery use significantly reduced / The New Voice of Ukraine

Unexploded rockets in a field in Kherson region, February 20 (Photo:REUTERS/Lisi Niesner)

Unexploded rockets in a field in Kherson region, February 20 (Photo:REUTERS/Lisi Niesner)

Russian invasion forces located in the south of Ukraine are
limiting themselves to defensive measures and have significantly decreased
their use of artillery, military serviceman Oleksandr Yermak told Radio NV in
an interview on March 18.

“They are currently concentrating their best forces precisely in the east. Their goal is to capture the east (of Ukraine),” he said.

“Right here (in the south) their task is to hold the front. This can be seen from the intelligence, from all other points that we as a military can follow. That is, here they are sitting on the defensive,” Yermak said.

He noted that the invasion forces are striving to retain control over Melitopol and the land bridge to Crimea solely for the purpose of safeguarding their hold on the annexed peninsula.

He also said that the Russian military, which launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, no longer consists of solely professional soldiers.

“We see how they’re fading and losing their strength. Their artillery is already working much less than before,” Yermak said, noting that compared to what happened before, the current situation can be called a “shell hunger.”

“Now the shelling does not stop, but it is already selective,” he said.

Facing an acute “shell hunger” on the battlefield, Russia is attempting to procure ammunition and military equipment in Myanmar and across African and Middle Eastern countries, Ukrainian Defense Intelligence spokesman Vadym Skibitskyi told Ukrainian TV broadcasters on March 16.

The founder, owner and financier of Russia’s Wagner Group PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has for some time been vocal about the scarcity of ammunition for his mercenaries. He also said that he had been cut off from the special communication service in an attempt to prevent him from requesting more ammunition.

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