
Legendary Ukrainian musician performs for Bakhmut defenders / The New Voice of Ukraine

Legendary Ukrainian musician performs for Bakhmut defenders (Photo:пресслужба)

Legendary Ukrainian musician performs for Bakhmut defenders (Photo:пресслужба)

Oleg Skrypka, frontman of the iconic Ukrainian band Vopli Vidoplyasova
(VV), performed for the defenders of Bakhmut, according to photos shared on
Instagram on March 20.

The musician came to Donetsk Oblast and visited military units of the Defense Forces to support Ukrainian soldiers. Skrypka gave four concerts, which he says helped him emotionally recover.

The performances took place thanks to the Cultural Landing initiative, which was co-founded by singer, TV presenter and showman Kolya Serga.

Serga invited Skrypka to play for the military.

“Such concerts not only raise morale and give an opportunity to express support, but also help them to recover emotionally,” said the musician.

“It is important for all of us, both the military and musicians, to step away from the realities of war and plunge into the musical world of lyrics and pathos for a while. Most of our soldiers have been participating in combat for almost a year. Therefore, it is extremely important to communicate with them, support them, and strengthen their faith in our victory together.”

Skrypka also spoke about the fatigue of the Ukrainian military but assured that the soldiers’ motivation.

“Of course, there is fatigue, but our guys are extremely motivated and strong in spirit,” he added.

“But I don’t know who is more charged: the guys from my music, or I from their iron will.”

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