
Occupation authorities trying to force Russian passports on Ukrainians in occupied territories / The New Voice of Ukraine

The occupiers threaten residents of the Kherson Oblast with arrest due to the lack of a Russian passport (

The occupiers threaten residents of the Kherson Oblast with arrest due to the lack of a Russian passport (

The Ukrainian military notes that residents are threatened with arrest if they do not have a Russian passport.

“At checkpoints in the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson Oblast, the occupiers threaten the local population with illegal imprisonment and violence if they cannot produce Russian passports during document checks,” the statement reads.

Earlier, the General Staff reported that in Horlivka, Donetsk Oblast, occupation authorities fired state employees for refusing to obtain a Russian passport, while in Melitopol, Zaporizhzhiya Oblast, the local puppet government banned payments to local residents if they did not have a Russian passport.

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