
What time is the Harvest Moon Supermoon lunar eclipse on Sept. 17?

an illustration of moon with the top portion colored a murky red brown color.

The Harvest Moon Supermoon will see part of Earth’s shadow pass over the lunar surface tonight, creating a murky red partial lunar eclipse. 

The lunar eclipse will reach its maximum phase, whereby the moon is obscured by Earth’s darkest shadow, the umbra, at approximately 10:44 p.m. EDT on Sept. 17, for viewers in the U.S. Eastern Time Zone. In Europe and Africa, the eclipse will occur during the early morning hours of Sept. 18. In London, the peak of the eclipse will be visible around 3:44 a.m. BST on Sept. 18.  The exact timings of the beginning and end of the partial lunar eclipse depend on your location and you can use websites like to find specific timings.

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